Our online DFSS training course covers the full curriculum and includes the same certification and support as our Virtual Classroom Live events.
With 90 days access you can work through the interactive, engaging eLearning 24/7 at a time to suit your needs.
Design for Six Sigma Online Training is perfect for those with limited time.
What will I learn?
This Design for Six Sigma course builds on your existing Lean Six Sigma DMAIC skills and shows you how to adapt them for design projects through the use of the DMADV methodology. It will show how and where your existing DMAIC tools should be used whilst providing training in the DFSS toolset and approach necessary for the design of new products, services and processes
1. Define
The course discusses the origins and imperatives of DFSS and will show how the Define phase for DMADV projects differs, yet overlaps, with this phase in DMAIC projects. In particular, it will focus on the Project Charter, and how Change Management is often even more crucial for the success of design projects.
2. Measure
VOC is even more important for DMADV projects than it is for DMAIC ones, and so the course will explore this topic in more detail, and from a Design perspective. The course will explore tools such as KANO and QFD in some detail.
3. Analyse
‘Analyse’ is where design projects differ most significantly from improvement projects and so the course focuses significantly here. The Analyse Phase is where design concepts are created, prioritised and selected. It is where the design architecture is identified, interfaces are managed and requirements laid out. The DMAIC Belt will find a few new and exciting tools presented here such as TRIZ, Axiomatic Design and Design Score Cards.
4. Design and Validate
These Phases in the DMADV methodology revolve around testing and optimising the design, and so many of the more data analysis, model building and experimental methodologies and tools will be discussed here. Much of these will be familiar to the DMAIC Belt but difficult concepts will be revised and practiced, always from the design perspective. Tools such as Graphical analysis, Hypothesis testing, Regression and DOE will be discussed
Key Topics Including
- What is DFSS?
- Why is DFSS important?
- When to use DFSS?
- Change Management implications
- DFSS Methodologies- DMADV, IDOV and ICOV
- Toll gate checklists
- Project initiation
- Voice of the Customer (VOC) and Critical to Satisfaction (CTS)
- Quality Function Deployment (QFD) & Kano Model
- Functional analysis
- Concept generation
- Decoupling / Uncoupling of design parameters
- Transfer Functions
- Design Score Cards
- Identifying and managing system interfaces
- Axiom / Axiomatic Design
- Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ)
- P-Diagram (Parameter Diagram / Process Diagram)
- Design of Experiments / Experimental Design (including an overview of “Robust Design”
- Tolerance Design and an introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation
- Design Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (DFMEA)
- Reliability testing
- Project closure
Following completion of the Design for Six Sigma ( DFSS) training course you will be able to:
- Design new processes, products and services more reliably, effectively, quickly and easily
- Understand the concepts and tools associated with DMADV
- Learn to lead or be a part of a multi discipline Design for Six Sigma ( DFSS) team
- Understand in detail the voice of the customer and how to include this in your product, service and process designs
- Learn how to implement new product, services and processes in vastly reduced times
- Add DFSS to your CV or Resume
Delegates must be at least trained to Lean Six Sigma or Six Sigma Green Belt level. Must have access to Minitab and the internet.
To certify in Design for Six Sigma you will have to pass an online exam consisting of 30 multiple choice questions. Once you pass the exam you will be provided with a certificate in Design for Six Sigma.