Kudos Blends2025-01-21 Chasala was a fantastic tutor during this course. The content was delivered well and it was thorough. Would definitely choose STC again. Marcin Karelus2025-01-21 Professional and excellent experience with the company, featuring great trainers and well-organized courses. I completed four courses with STS and learned a lot, gaining valuable experience from both the trainers and other attendees. Thank you very much, STS team! Nicholas Mussi2025-01-10 STC did an incredible job with the HACCP training. The instructor was phenomenal and made the course very informative and engaging. I highly recommend STC for training and certifications. Greta Cioglyte2024-11-29 Excellent training, a lot to take in. Course trainer Oscar was very friendly and supportive. Thanks and best of luck 🙂 Любовь Лещеок2024-11-29 Thank you for training, Oscar! You are best trainer!! Was very interesting 👍 Adriana Corbu2024-11-29 Oskar ,Very good trainer and olouys explains good like !!! Cristina Popovici2024-11-29 I had a training with Oskar.The best trainer.I really enjoyed that time.Thanks Karolina Petruliene2024-11-29 Very professional training! Oscar is the best trainer! Karol Ce2024-11-29 Kurs, który ukończyłem, był bardzo dobrze przedstawiony i pełen przydatnych informacji. Oskar, nasz prowadzący, był niesamowity i sprawił, że kurs był bardzo przyjemny, gorąco polecam
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